Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

2 anni fa ·

Postazioni di Zacharias 🐝
How to confuse
machine learning:
Found this gem on LinkedIn. Intriguing how something so simple as a puppy-detection machine learning system can be so easily confused…

Altri post di Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

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1 anno fa

My latest article on my blog

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris · At the end of last month, OpenAI released its latest product, which made (and still makes) waves in the AI arena. Namely, about three weeks ago, ChatGPT made its debut, and before long, it gathered enough traction to outshine its predecessor, GPT3. Since then, many people have st ...

1 anno fa

My latest mentoring article

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris · I put a lot of effort into this and made sure it can be a value-add, regardless of your role in a mentorship. · Mentoring Best Practices · Some ideas to help cultivate and refine a mentoring relationship in practice · ...

1 anno fa

Major Font Families

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris · This is a creative representation of the major font families used today. Can you guess which one I used for my latest book, The Data Path Less Traveled?  · The Data Path Less Traveled · A technical book, written by Zacharias Voulgaris, Ph.D. Published by Technics Publications · h ...

Articoli di Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

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1 anno fa · 2 min. di lettura

This is a stock image for the term “mentee” and doesn't correspond to the taxonomy described in this ...

2 anni fa · 2 min. di lettura

Problem description · Books and (professionally made) videos are great as resources when it comes to ...

1 anno fa · 2 min. di lettura

In a world where information is abundant, being able to process it and do so efficiently is a valuab ...

Contenuto correlato

7 anni fa

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

A Fox-like Approach to the Issue of Fake News and Similar Low Quality Content That Plagues the Web

Although no-one likes fake news and other trash that we often encounter in the web, especially in sites like LinkedIn that pose as reliable yet fail to meet even the most lenient standards, there are constructive ways to deal with them. It’s tempting to start bitching about them ...

7 anni fa

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

The Plights of a PC Attitude

Political Correctness, or PC for short, is an attitude that has become increasingly popular lately, particularly after the advent of “professional” social media like LinkedIn, Academia, etc. It involves expressing ideas that are, among other things: · 1. Non-controversial · 2. ...

7 anni fa

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

The Dangers of a Dualistic Perspective

We hear it very often: this is good while that is bad. Be it a political candidate or a big data solution, people nowadays have a tendency to see things in a binary fashion. Although this binary thinking may work well when it comes to computers (which are binary by nature), it do ...

5 anni fa

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

Why LinkedIn Is Fading Away (Even though It May Still Be Useful)

Back in the day, when Social Media (SM) were something new and untainted, there was some diversity present, even if there weren't that many platforms around. When LI entered the picture, it brought about a very important niche in the SM spectrum: a social medium for professionals ...

4 anni fa

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

The 3 most alarming issues of modern AI

Why mention all this now? · Recently I came across an interesting article on Medium, through my LinkedIn feed. Although I rarely pay much attention to stuff I come across in the conventional Social Media platforms, since most of them serve a particular company's agenda, this one ...

3 anni fa

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

Antifragility in Social Media

Overview · There are three main attributes to a system or an organism: fragile, robust, and antifragile. At least that's why Prof. Nassim N. Taleb postulates. If you haven’t heard of Prof. Taleb then you are missing out. Dr. Ali Anani talks about the notion of antifragility in va ...